A Lesson Learned

It’s been a busy, busy summer, with family, a great new boss, every weekend packed with an activity, and weekdays packed with work and harvesting from our garden. I’m not complaining…I like it that way. My last couple of posts I wrote about a new diet I had started called the Wahls Protocol. Much to…

Doctor Dread

Three months.  That’s how long I want to wait to go see my retinologist, which means I have one and a half to go.  I should have already seen him. I should have already started my interferon. Interferon.  I still don’t have it.  Here’s why:  Remember, when I talked about waiting for the insurance company…

No More Bread and Dr. Wahls

I had an interesting week of eating a vegan diet.  Although I was very faithful, it really didn’t go very well.  I know, I know, it takes time for your body to adjust. But by the last two days, my muscles in my legs, and arms really hurt.  My lower back also became stiff and sore.  I…

Bread Anyone?

Since I’m still waiting on insurance approval (or denial) of the interferon, I decided to do what I always do when faced with a medication that I really don’t want to take…I start scouring the internet for other options. A few weeks ago I subscribed to a uveitis facebook page, and yesterday there was a…

Take It Easy

One of the many things living with a chronic illness has taught me is to not sweat the small stuff. Tomorrow is a BIG DAY at our house.  My house will be filled with family in the afternoon followed by a large number of guests from our church.  It’s an annual event. Our house is right…

Late Nights and Cloudy Mornings

Work for me begins at 10:00 a.m.  Did I mention that I have a pretty cushy schedule?  Because of this great schedule, and I am not being sarcastic here, I sometimes stay up too late. Last night I got sucked into a show on Netflix called “Damages”.  I thought it was only six shows, and I…


Some days I am just plain afraid.  I’m not afraid of the disease.  I’m afraid of the treatments. Not all of the treatments, just some of the treatments.  Right now, just the one I am supposed to call the pharmacy about. My homework on the interferon is done and I am awaiting its preapproval by the…


Sometimes I am confronted with the person that I would like to be and the person that I am.  I’m pretty sure we all have areas that we struggle with in this regard. For me, nice homes are a trigger. My husband works for a retail lumber company.  He works with people who build beautiful…

Losing Sight of Normal

One of the first jobs I had right out of college was at a residential treatment center for children.  The section of the center that I worked in was called the shelter care unit.  We took children, ages 3 to 12, who had been removed from homes with unimaginable situations, or children who had been in…

How Much Was That?

After my trip to the OHSU gurus last week, the first assignment I was given was to go to the pharmacy and find out how much two different types of interferon cost.  I knew they would be expensive, I know that my insurance company needs to give preapproval for me to even get it, and…